The eventstudy analysis is done using the event studies package. The eventstudies package repository is available at Please read the installation instructions available at this link. Description of files: 1. PPPS2016_ccaData.rda: This is our capital control actions database. It captures the easing and tightening of controls on foreign currency borrowing. We analyse the motivations and impact of these controls in our paper. 2. cc_actions_database.csv: This is our capital control actions database in csv format. 2. PPPS2016_inrData.rda: This is the data for INR-USD returns. In our replication code we show the event study analysis using INR-USD returns as the motivation for changes in capital controls on foreign borrowing. 3. PPPS2016_functions.R: This file has the source code for event study analysis. 4. PPPS2016_eventstudy.R: This file shows the event study analysis.